Forschergeist gefragt: 14. Novartis Oppenheim-Förderpreis für MS-Forschung ausgelobt
FernstudiumCheck Award: Deutschlands beliebteste Fernhochschule bleibt die SRH Fernhochschule
Vergabe der Wissenschaftspreise der Deutschen Hochdruckliga und der Deutschen Hypertoniestiftung
Den Patientenwillen auf der Intensivstation im Blick: Dr. Anna-Henrikje Seidlein…
Wissenschaft mit Auszeichnung: Herausragende Nachwuchsforscher auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen…
Wichtigster Kongress für Lungen- und Beatmungsmedizin ist erfolgreich gestartet
Virtuelle DGHO-Frühjahrstagungsreihe am 22.03. / 29.03. / 26.04.2023: Herausforderungen in…
Pneumologie-Kongress vom 29. März bis 1. April im Congress Center…
Die Hot Topics der Hirnforschung auf dem DGKN-Kongress für Klinische…
Deutscher Schmerz- und Palliativtag 2023 startet am 14.3.
The Lancet: More nurses lead to fewer patient deaths&readmissions, shorter hospital stays, and savings
The Lancet (May 25, 2021) — A study across 55 hospitals in Queensland, Australia suggests that a recent state policy to introduce a minimum ratio of one nurse to four patients for day shifts has successfully improved patient care, with a 7% drop in the chance of death and readmission, and 3% reduction in
The Lancet: Harmful, unfounded myths about migration and health have become accepted, used to justify policies of exclusion
Stereotypes that migrants are disease carriers who present a risk to public health and are a burden on services are some of the most prevalent and harmful myths about migration. Evidence from a comprehensive new report, including new international data analysis, shows these myths to be unfounded, yet they continue to be used to
Nurse-led care significantly more successful in treating gout, trial reveals
Nottingham, UK (October 18, 2018) – The research, led by academics at the University of Nottingham and published in The Lancet, has shown that keeping patients fully informed and involving them in decisions about their care can be more successful in managing gout. And the study, which was funded by the charity Versus Arthritis,