CareGlobal palliative care – shaping the future

16. World Congress of the European Association for Palliative

23.-25.05.2019 Berlin


Dear Congress Participant,

It is a pleasure to invite you to the 16th World Congress of the EAPC in Berlin, 23-25 May 2019.  As questions are asked related to equitable access to palliative care in Europe and around the world, the congress “Global Palliative Care — Shaping the future” will explore how palliative care fits with the current global health agenda.

Five years on from the adoption of the 2014 World Health Assembly Resolution on Palliative Care, the EAPC Berlin congress is the perfect time to reflect on our progress in the development of palliative care globally and to identify areas where more needs to be done. Our Congress will take place shortly after the 2018 United Nations High Level Meeting on non-communicable diseases, and this will give delegates the opportunity to examine the extent to which palliative care has been included in universal health coverage within our various health systems.

The increasing recognition of the importance of palliative care in society is reflected in the growing number of EAPC congress delegates who represent a range of disciplines from many countries throughout Europe and beyond.  The EAPC World Congress provides a unique opportunity to network and meet with colleagues, clinicians, caregivers, researchers, volunteers and educators in palliative care from across the globe to exchange knowledge, to celebrate diversity and richness, make new links, new collaborations and develop projects during the time spent together. We are expecting more than 3000 participants to attend the congress.

Berlin is the capital of Germany and the country’s largest city.  It is the major centre for politics, culture and science. It is an ideal city to host the EAPC World Congress.

On behalf of all involved in EAPC 2019, we welcome you to Berlin and the 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care.

Sébastien Moine
Chair of the Scientific Committee

Anne Letsch
Chair of the Local Organising Committee






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